Wastelander Shelter
Not rated

By CloudyVision
01/21/2012 - 22:54:42
Type: House building
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: apocalypse, cloudyvision, gaprop, projectapocalypse, scrap, scrap metal, shelter, wastelander
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By lukester747
It's like i sneeze on it, and the entire thing collapses.
By Monckat
Great work with the thrown-together feel!
By DH106
A rather inviting-looking shed when one is fleeing from nuclear falldown, zombies and the like. R+.
By Ansje
Great gaprop!
Very nice! R+
By foreverpiping
I used to have a piece of property for deer hunting and built a shack on it that wasn't too different from this one! lol R+