Saddest Song In History
Not rated
By CrazyTigerLady
01/21/2012 - 20:35:35
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Vanilla Twilight >_l I'm listening to it on my Ipod Touch right now and I'm about to cry. X''( After listening to it on youtube or Ipod, who can guess what its about? You are probably wrong.
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By huntmbROCKS
Yes its sad but i can handle sad....my dog in fallout 3 died he was loyal and dedicated....DAMN YOU DEATHCLAWS IM HEADING TOWARD YOUR SANCTUARY AND KILLING YOU ALL
By huntmbROCKS
Thats sad and all but just try not crying at the end of the animated video while dare you to move plays http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PyG_Fo31Wg