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By 99Hedgehog12/10/2011 - 07:26:48
Type: SpaceshipRating: -0.38 (Not rated)
Lil update to 99.Yes, I am active again.
By Mega_Uprater You will get banned soon. :) Bye!
By Mega_Uprater Your tagline is cruel and mean. It has been reported.
By brokenthumb95 I can't take being a jerk anymore. I'm sorry. I never ment it. I thought that I had a right to chase RPers out of Spore. But they have just as much right to be here as you and I.
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By Mega_Uprater
You will get banned soon. :) Bye!
By Mega_Uprater
Your tagline is cruel and mean. It has been reported.
By brokenthumb95
I can't take being a jerk anymore. I'm sorry. I never ment it. I thought that I had a right to chase RPers out of Spore. But they have just as much right to be here as you and I.