Cargo Ship
Not rated

By CloudyVision
12/03/2011 - 00:15:54
Type: Colonial water vehicle
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: boat, cargo, cloudyvision, containers, crates, dh106, foreverpiping, hauler, sea, sealandaircontest, ship
Second part of my Modern Haulers set for DH106 and foreverpiping's Omni-Vehicular Challenge. I had made another one, but the template wasn't in the lineage, so here's a new one. Isn't as good, unfortunately.
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By noname117
Amazing work on this ship, like all the crates you have on it! As DH said, you put work into this! Good luck in the contest!
By koreandragon
this is very good
By Nils66802
wow, very cool, i like the many thousand details
By DH106
I can see You put a lot of work in this. Rule conformity is checked and it is added to the contest. R .
By Scriptureman
Awesome job. looks great
By foreverpiping
cool job with the ship and all the containers R+
By DagronIrys
Very realistic creation. Everything works together perfectly. R+
By Apollo9898
@tagline. No, because the "The Cake is a Lie" phrase is referring to the offer of cake being a lie.