Painting Art - Frosty Peak
Not rated

By MrBoOMBastiK
11/23/2011 - 22:15:50
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: art, epic, gaprop, house, mountain, painting, picture, pretty, view
Here you can see frosty peak, full of clouds and snow. A pretty little river flowing in the valley... with pretty little hills around it. The best thing about it... The sunset. What a view!!! [see the bird in the distance?]
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By Mushroomking1
Love teh motion you gave to all of it, as if the mountains were quivering. R+
By Lordique
Thx for the comment on Prome Galaxy(":O"). - well said:D And adequate to Your creation as well!:) R+ D'U know why? Because Your siluettes reminds me of one of y favorite games ever like "Okami" on ps2. Very artistic, very, very beautifull!
By ToS-Master
Echt super!
By Ivonne
Die Idee ist genial und auch fantastisch gemacht. :-)
By Eman7
Beautiful picture. R+ :)
By Vladyslav77777
What a wonderful landscape :0