Chocolate Cupcake
Not rated

By Andeavor
11/09/2011 - 18:17:56

Type: House building
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)
Tags: baking, butter, delicious, sugar


Sorry for my absence, I've been making cupcakes and cakes, and it's not even my birthday...yet.

Consider this my 'thank you' gift for everyone who's embraced the Sporenaissance.

More participation will come from me when I'm not busy catering/servicing.


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By luluthedog

87Freeman,watch your language!

By crogunk34

@87Freeman: You deserve to go to the hospital to see how you DONT like andy! ):O

By cassidy0605

Looks like Pinky Pie was baking cupcakes >8D

By merrickusa

@87Freeman: NOT. COOL. >:O

By 87Freeman

It looks like shit, and not chocolate! D:

By skeptyk71

I eat this=)

By kshodge

gimme some!

By 69Killer2000

nom nom nom gacckk! (cough cough cough) i swallowed the rose!!!! SOMEONE CALL A DOCTER!!!!!!!... lol

By EvilxSmiley

nom nom nom!

By Hunter_Girl14

It looks so good I could just eat it!

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