Ahhhh nice bath
Not rated

By MrHoliday
11/05/2011 - 13:48:26

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 1.58 (Not rated)
Tags: mrholiday


Even turkeys like to take baths after a long day of being a turkey. Entspannung in der Badewanne.


By DH106

I like how the turkey heads shadow looks like flowing water from the tap in the png - little but cool detail. R+.


very nice :)) R++

By warwolf47

Our art styles are different - but I really appreciate the style you use - and the humour which is evident in each one - congrats on those

By Shiba95

lawl, Nice! Must be tough being a turkey during October/November!

By Ritafeet

I've made you a gift! Check it out when you have time! :D

By Ritafeet

Awwww! So cute! I love your sence of crude humour! :D

By delzorgan

Cool, I like the bubble effect!!


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