shadinox's sword
Not rated

By codyblue
10/24/2011 - 02:05:40

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 1.88 (Not rated)
Tags: sword


used during the uprising on ratinox,shadinox used it to murder the king of rathor (the king was his father), and on the the battle for the planet zenexes in the batinoith system.


By raphaelt1205

true,but it's sorta a test fer all mah subs,to see if they comment xD ._. :/.....

By Beastmaster7700

Yes, I used to watch that show quite frequently, but then the later ones began to put forward the wackiest of ideas once there older evidence ran out of juice

By Z-Man537

Nice sword

By raphaelt1205

dude,go to spore.com,logg in,go to ur page,then go to setting and click on the ption to cchange ur avatar picture!or u can look up wut to do on google...


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