Chilantaisaurus Tashuikouensis
Not rated


By KaDargo95
10/23/2011 - 19:38:34

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: archosaur, carnosaur, claw, cretaceous, dinosaur, megaraptor, neovenator


One of the largest theropods dinosaurs known this asian predator was 40-43 feet long and weighs 4-5 tons. Lived in China about 90 million years ago, likely competed for prey with Shaochilong.


DNA points
67 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
19 %
11.05 %
8 / 20
8 / 20
5 / 15
2 / 54 / 50 / 5
4 / 51 / 55 / 5
2 / 53 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By XReptile39


By northozeenonyx

It would go to shame to see the aliens movies die..... I reckon that changing the character would have to go slowly, just like in terminator ( the terminator being played not just by arny).

By northozeenonyx

have you seen my new aliens warrior?

By northozeenonyx

I gues theres an agreement there... everything to do with avp could be improved... alot. and I guess theres nothing to do about it now. anyway, about the finishing of avp... wasn't alien3 supposed to be the end of the alien series?

By northozeenonyx

cont: listen to james cameron as well ( his quotes), we would of had alien 5 and soon alien 6. sorry to bother you, but I reckon they should of just stuck to the comics ( they existed before the universe was combined).

By northozeenonyx

cont: killed instanly. it has blocked tha alien sereis aswell, fox are to bothered with their "AVP" sereis to be bothered with aliens series. and they also say weavers too old to play a lead role now, probably a big fat excuse to continue avp.

By northozeenonyx

cont: alien movie from the series, but 50%have seen a predator one. comics are good, they create a hole new world of stuff, but slowly, I reckon in a couple of decades time.... xenomorphs will become, slow, weak, small, crawiling creatures that can be -

By northozeenonyx

cont: everything say predator could easily kill an alien, and even the public. one reason aswell being, its shorter, not much time was put into it and isn't as bloodthirsty. I've talked to people; 95% of people who've watched it haven't seen a single -

By northozeenonyx

I've seen allowclaws ravenger... you have a good point. yes, avpr was sh*t, but thats nothing compared to avp. thanks to that movie theres a mental block in everyones ( except people who search this thing) mind. you look up in the internet, almost -

By Prehistoric23

Wow! It's 43 feet long and 5 tons! I thought this dino was 23 feet long! Shocking...

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