ANOTHER gift to The Cute4
Not rated

By rhenley
10/09/2011 - 21:35:43
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: anger, devil, emily, the cute4
Peace out!You're too cool!
Contact us at

By rhenley
10/09/2011 - 21:35:43
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: anger, devil, emily, the cute4
Peace out!You're too cool!
By The Cute4
You are awesome. No lie. =) And this creation, and your other gifts, are proof.
By The Cute4
Yes, you are on zeh awesome peeps list. XD (also known as the buddies list)
By The Cute4
Haik:No! I'm to crazy for that! *goes back to eating a random mountain*
By The Cute4
Emilly:Yesh. Emilly's Hair:The square root of a tree is a...A...A...A...*becomes staticy* TELL MEH NOW! DX
By The Cute4
Haik:I ate the taco planet that is 5 seconds away from taco land that is---*gets headshot* Me:He's insane...XD
By The Cute4
Anger:Um...o.o...*jumps off a cliff to avoid answering* Me:He was over protective. XD
By The Cute4
Anger:THAT'S TO PERSONAL! HBJRAGRUJ! Me:Calm down, dude. Anger:NUUUU! *fires a lazor* Me:He was shy, ok? XD
By rhenley
Well, happy early birthday!
By The Cute4
Thank you again. Well appreciated, and my birthday is, conveniently, tomorrow. XD