The Wall of Uvii V2
Not rated

By cbfstudios
10/09/2011 - 00:05:52
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: battle, beach, berlin, black, epic, new, purple, racism, segregation, set;uvii, space, wall, white, yellow
For years a dictator has seperated the Uvii and Ivii colony with a massive wall, and the Ivii side has been treated poorly. The Ivii are planning for a revolution, to break down the wall; and they need your help to re-unite the Ivii and Uvii! (Fixed Glitch)
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By Harlequin2
Wow. That was amazing! I particularly liked the start (with looking over the city) and the end. Really great job :)
By cbfstudios
4 Minutes? Wow, you guys keep getting better at this!
By HRmatthew
Build wall out of racism. Revolutionary forms. Old government overthrown. New revolutionary government established. Repeat.
By HRmatthew
Fantastic adventure!
By cbfstudios
Dang Crazyjoe, I can't seem to beat your time!
By onacondafarr
Looks cool, will play.
By cbfstudios
Review is up on Aspect Reviews at the Sporum! Check it out, got a blue face!
By cbfstudios
You'll notice Berlin in in the Tags. That's partially what inspired this.
By IsakTheWriter
Berlin wall? Anyone? It looks great anyway. I'm going to play this!
By crazyjoe98
Loved it! But the only problem I looked for was that Captain Uvii just missed the incinerator when you blow the platform.
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