Demon,Bunny-Reaper Oscar
Not rated
By Clawsblade
09/24/2011 - 22:56:44
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: edited from brittbritt2000, enderman, extreme810contest, idea by brittbritt2000, introducing...., minecraft, oscar, stolenfromextreme810, template
My entry. In this fien costume Oscar is a demonic, grim reaper ish bunny. Costume comes with wooden/metal sythe, either purple,red,or black bunny robe, attachable wings and horns! (Facepaint extra)
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By brittbritt2000
What, no costume for Hender? :C
By Tenguman
Naming them all after art supplies huh? MAKE A PROTRACTOR-SWORD!
By extreme810
do you mind if I change the color of the bunny suit to the avadible colors? XD
By extreme810
LOLO at first when I saw this I was like what is this? Oscar? XD! It's nice, but when I add it to sporecast,