Dragon Fly-Action pose
Not rated


By Prototype00
09/06/2011 - 01:10:31

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.12 (Not rated)
Tags: chopper, dragon fly, duel blade, light, scout


I only came across the idea of wheel parts for roters when I noticed how thin I could make them. I originaly wanted to stuck some turrests and missiles on this, but they looked to bulky, so I decided on fuel tanks and a forward facing cannon.


By Wytewolf

Great ship. I love the design and detail. I also like the tips on wheel parts. Thanks. R+ to you and your ship. PS. Buddyed. Will be looking to you at times for inspiration.

By Cerrethio

The pose looks good in the PNG.

By Maaax

Interesting pose!

By Draconis115

ok well succes with moving house just send me a comment when your internet is back ok?

By Draconis115

this is awesome Great work I'm happy to see something new and yes I don't mind you saying tips are welcome I need a idea for the shape of a ship do you have one?

By DagronIrys

Very cool creation. The pose for the PNG is fantastic. R


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