Great News!
Not rated

By Jbeau
08/25/2011 - 15:34:23
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: hi, i'm back! ben10!, our trip, ssuuizdyixhuxuxdyt, yay
My parents will let us watch the new beyblade season! To celebrate, I'll do an rp, but not before the first few episodes. Join if you like, but no random stuff, or a Striker. I have that bey. YAY!
Contact us at

By DylBoy5
oh my special move is Thunder shock wave(he summons lightning and it makes all beys except mine stop in 1 place for 30 secs
By DylBoy5
ok my name is Dyl,my bey is Thunder Libra,and whats the other thing?
By DylBoy5
what do i do if i want to join?