Big Eddy v2
By MrG3008
08/15/2011 - 19:36:57
Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: coranari, fahrzeug, flamethrower, flammenwerfer, gfrs, mech, mrg3008, sgc, syrea, v2, vehicle
Equipped with one big flamethrower, jump-boosts and a nuclear bomb (mainly to self-destruct). Medium armouring. Modified for racing;)
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By xXDomDomXx
Wow! 114 XD sieht auf dem png echt schrecklich aus, aber im editor sieht es echt toll aus^^
By Hydro_Glyph
..360 BBQ, good times.
By MrG3008
The flamethrower turret can spin 360° to left/right and 180° up/down :)