Not rated

By Dreamwalker_13
08/08/2011 - 17:39:22
Type: Factory building
Rating: -0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: dead, dream, humanoid, position, prop, prop for pwur, remove body to use
Gift for my buddy pwur. Remove everything exept blood, just you know how and where to put the body, don't have to pose it exactly tho... :P
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By SuporeMaster
Ouch! :S R+
By tomographics
Shame that you were banned.
By Msthang
You ate your own brain? lol no wonder you crave it so much.
Thats one doomed space marine-Duke Nukem
By NickB95
Dude, if you keep making nasty creations, people might be offended, and try to ban you!
By NickB95
Wait, is this going to be for a "Dead Space" adventure?
By NickB95
Awesome prop! Looks great!
By cormorana
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh oh hohohoh oHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I understand :)
By pwurman
Alright, thanks a lot. :D
By pwurman
Oh, wait, can you also make a blood that is oozing down a wall? There are necromorphs which launch bones at people and I realized I'll need a guy who got impaled into the wall. :P
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