Modie-money shot
Not rated
By Prototype00
08/07/2011 - 06:05:45
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.07 (Not rated)
Tags: action pose, car, flying car, space car
Before I sat down to make the Modie, I had a corvett class starship in mind (large fighter with more then one crew member). But as I played around with bits and pieces I realised I was making a car. So I will put this up and hope you guys enjoy it.
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By Draconis115
ok I'm back at it my newest creation is done
By Kevin92
awesome spaceship! amazing colours! love it :) R+
By Draconis115
about that 2 get's annoying around the end is true I didn't finish it either for the same reason
By Draconis115
btw about the zaretian ships those are for a group that I joined but I will still continue the ESC ships and you can sttill leave comments on the ships its just that I wanted you to know
By Draconis115
nice I really like the paint on this one
By barnboy93