Talon ep 4
Not rated
By scartalon1999
07/12/2011 - 18:54:48
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: my house, poison, shadow, talon
SShadow is back to normal and hes fixing the roof,me and Poison got a new couch and nothing seems wrong until.....
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By spyrogirl569
By spyrogirl569
I made poison!
By spyrogirl569
o nvm that waz talon's house... XD
By spyrogirl569
XD the roof went on vacation! lol ur so funny. That was really cool! And I do remember seeing a house on the first ep! I'm gonna go back and look...
By spyrogirl569
I'll play as soon as I finish an adventure I'm making