Imperial Navy Frigate
Not rated

By Prototype00
07/05/2011 - 12:14:02
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: frigate
I decided to make another Imperail navy thing. I tried to make a capitol ship but ended up with this litte frigate instead. A different style compared to the older Imperial designs, but I think it looks good.
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By Draconis115
I have another question where do you begin when you make a ship I always start at te front and work my way to the back. and I'm running out of ideas do you have a creator I should look at for some inspiration?
By Draconis115
wow I like it very nice design
By Oligodendrocyte
Thanks! It's actually kind of based off of one.
By Wonny3SW
Cool,I like the Logo !