Desalinization Center
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By HRmatthew
06/29/2011 - 00:38:18
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.24 (Not rated)
Tags: aqua, aquifer, blue, building, clean, create, desalinization, disposal, engineering, factory, fresh, hrmatthew, hydro, industrial, mine, ocean, pipes, process, refinery, resource, salt, science, sea, supply, utility, water, waves
Desaliinization centers purify millions of tons of salt water or water too unsafe to drink. The center practices all three major forms of desalinization, including reverse osmosis, flash desalinzation, and deionization. It can provide water for big cities.
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By Murfnator
Lets hope the water desalinization market will not be dominated by one corporation then. Surely, there will be some buisnesses who want a slice of the market.
By Murfnator
Good point. When someone finds away to affordably cleanse water, the world will be definitely changed.
By Murfnator
Sadly, this plant in the real world would cost billions of dollars (Cleansing saltwater isnt easy) and probably wont exist until we run out of fresh water.
By Icarus8484
Excellent work my friend. Love the color scheme, makes it look used and realistic. R+
By jdogoleson
can i use this for an adventure? if you have a problem, please message me
By Ecko0IXth
You mind if I do some kind of dirty, industrial, polluting version of this?
By Mushroomking1
And don't think twice about what you just said, btw-'s not bragging if it's true xD Those vids were a nice piece of work
By Mushroomking1
Thanks, Matt. That's high praise B)
By starfoth
Lots of desalinization plants help to purify water for vertical farms, over 60% of water to vertical farms is desalinized ocean water.
By CaptainPea
I like how complex and imposing this; even though the image is so small you can tell this building has some mass.
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