
By epischergummibr
06/24/2011 - 11:41:45

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 6 (Good)
Tags: !, 7, desktop, epischergummibr, help, microsoft, pc, read, seven, windows


after i have to format my PC because of a boot error, i have to install spore new. now my old creatures are away :-(
have anybody a tip?
please comment it me!


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By trogdor99

that hapened 2 me

By Beastmaster7700

anything you shared will be redownloaded thankfully, but anything you didn't share isn't coming back :( I've learned this from reinstalling spore 2 or 3 times

By DomDom97

Und dann wurden diekreas meiner freunde neu gedownloadet, aber mittendrin hat es aufgehört, darum habe ich von vielen meiner freunde nur noch wenig kreaturen... :(

By DomDom97

I got the same problem...

By Hantoko

Kommt darauf an, denke ich. Hast du deine Windows-Partition (inklusive deiner Spore-Kreationen) formatiert?

By SeaHound

Try a repair from the Windows cd if you have one. Search for your problem on google for more specific help.

By ClanJones

Don't email customer service. They will just say: Please describe your problem in detail. And you will say: my computer isn't working and Spore won't install! And they will say:Please describe your problem in detail.....And you will say: @#$%! EA!

By tomographics

Check this link.I'm not sure if it will help at all. http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/68449.page

By Ivonne

Löschen: Wenn du Spore neu instalierst kommen deine Kreation nach der Zeit von alleine wieder. So war es zumindestens bei mir.

By Humuwalulu

such in der sporepädie nach deinen kreas und lad sie runter, ka ob´s klappt einen versuch ist es wert

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