Fact Core
Not rated


By EStraight
06/18/2011 - 01:46:06

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: 2, are you space? yes, core, dad, dumb, fact, game, gun, humor, logic, mac, pc, personality, pink, portal, ps3, puzzle, random, science, smart, space, troll, video, we are now family., xbox


From Portal 2. The third corrupted core. Interests: Stating random facts and trivia (Most of which are not true) Talks like: A know it all; AKA: The Troll Science Core


By solarson

"The fact core is not corrupted,its facts are wholey true and very interesting"(one of facts`s facts.)

By solarson

Looks just like him!Fact,space does not exist!XD

By Invader_ZIM_Fan

The square-route of rope is string. XD

By iamfriendly

"The first person to find out if cows milk was drinkable was very very thirsty."


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