Film negative
Not rated

By Ansje
06/17/2011 - 08:27:24
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
Could be used as a portal/teleporter in combination with light effects in a GA.
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By Wonny3SW
Cool,I like it !
By judithiscariot
Thanks, Ansje! The contest was such inspiration. Two weeks went by in a heartbeat. NiyI know it's not even close to being over for you yet (goodness, 300 entires), So I'm rating up for the superb lettering. (Now you're only -7.99)
By WideWonder
I've thought of a way to end the story more quickly. Which is good, because I awoke to an aching and painful left hand this morning... I guess I did too much typing at the keyboard yesterday.
By WideWonder
Whew! Thank you for letting me know! The People of Fuen Umber may think they know where they're going... but where they end up is in OMMWorld!
By WideWonder
So that I can finish by Saturday at Midnight. Which where I am is only 23 and a half hours away!
By WideWonder
At the moment, BearClaw and his People are only about half way to OMMWorld. I need to think of a way speed through part of the tale...
By WideWonder
Oh! Confusion! I'm thinking Gobekli Tepe for the GA of my own I'll make later.
By WideWonder
Thank you, Ansje! I think I will! Maybe they would like to live at Gobekli Tepe!
By tomographics
that is interesting about the buds being block. I have not noticed it yet but i will keep an eye out for it. :)
By greenpetking
Nice. The words were done well in the creation
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