Continuing ZARPSURP
Not rated

By MrWeezee
06/03/2011 - 00:27:50

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


With the arrival of the ZA Movie, it is crucial I finish off the story.


By billyjglaz

This may come as a shock but: I'm back, but I've gone to another account. NeoBillyjglaz. Could you tell the others I'm (mostly) back?

By inkyspode24

Hey you! Stop fighting NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By waffle_flish

if your still on Spore, I want to inform you that Shadow has created a new account (shadowraptor1o1) and has begun being a douche to everyone except for like five other people. Mind trolling him?

By DreadTribe


By DreadTribe

What...is...wong with you?...You USED to be...a great creator...but you lost that

By Phenotypical_1

my deviantart account has been deactivated

By wtr409

Yes he is, and he can be real kind in real life. You woudnt think of him as a Spore troll in real life.


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