Muzgra-class Carrier

By Lintuperhonen
04/18/2011 - 18:00:12
Type: Military water vehicle
Rating: 4.29 (Good)
These carriers are the nucleus of the USSS' navy. Though they're large and fast, they're also very poor seaboats, and if they're moving, they can't simultaneously launch and recover aircraft. Also, no AAA. Built in 1927-1933.
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By Alexar98
USSS Navy? Looks like northern Corea.
By Lintuperhonen
Range at 16 ktn: 5000 nm.
By Lintuperhonen
The bridge is extremely wet, but as there's no other place for it, it can't be repositioned. They can't accept an island as it would make them to unstable to anything else than a flat calm sea.
By Homer-dude2
looks pretty simply constrcuted to me indeed.I also like the colors and the main deck.
By DH106
Reminds me a lot of those early Japanese WW2 carriers like the Ryujo. R+.
By juustosiivu
Looks like an awesome miniature ;)
By Lintuperhonen
Max speed: 35 ktns at light seas, 16 ktns at heavier seas. Machinery: 12 Rudebaga coal-fired boilers and four Zharskoye high-preasure turbines delivering 185 000 hp to four shafts.
By Lintuperhonen
Displacement: 33 800 t light, 35 600 t full.
By Lintuperhonen
However, as topweight is a serious issue, the guns can't be replaced with heawier types, which have either a larger calibre nor a better maximum elevation.
By Lintuperhonen
Their guns are 50 mm field guns, but as they have only 20 degree maximum elevetion, are useless against aircraft. Also, as they're so light, they cant penetrate even destroyer hulls.
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