Perfect 10 Couple
Not rated

By MrChubby
04/07/2011 - 16:31:05

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: couple, fat, man, round, sexy, skinny, two, woman


Thank you to my 10 subscribers! Here's a gift for you, the perfect 10 couple! Thank you for helping me show the world that a good woman is worth her weight in gold!


DNA points
80 Bones4 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +4
14 %
43.4 %
13 / 20
10 / 20
7 / 15
3 / 53 / 50 / 5
2 / 53 / 53 / 5
4 / 54 / 54 / 5
4 / 50 / 5

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By Sean10M

And if you people like you can go check out my creation's :) Oh and if you do go and look at my stuff plz rate and comment thanks.

By Sean10M

Anyway she sound's cool I can't wait to see her

By Sean10M

Well if she's going to be your mascot add gaprop as a tag it will stop her from appearing ingame.Because it'd be odd to see some one's mascot ingame.

By MrChubby

I think next will be a mascot for me. And her weight will be 1 Stone for every subscriber. So 20 Subs will be 20 stone which will be 280lbs! So I think I'll make her soon! 12 subs would be 168lbs!

By Sean10M

I have 21 Sub's.So what are you going to make next?

By Sean10M

Yes space dose need more fat people so time to start creating.

By DaViNmRz1997

I subscribed to you. i am one of them

By Q_boy1463

Yes, space needs some more large people with groovy lips! Feel free to use the Hiplips idea!

By Jibrig

Only ten subs? You should have 100 or more

By Sean10M

Cool R+ and that girl is big plump and simply adorable

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