Contest Announcement
Not rated

By Xahlicem
04/04/2011 - 20:19:35
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: contest, gaprop, xahlicempartcontest
Welcome to the "Creature Parts Contest". The rules are. 1: it has to be a creature part, no outfit parts. 2: It has to be a new part. 3: Put description about it. 4: keep the xahlicempartcontest tag, you can add more, just keep that one. 5: Any builder allowed(not outfitter). 6: No stealing other peoples creations. 7: Maximum of 999 entries, no more! 8: Enjoy! The winners will receive a trophy, judging will be based mostly on it's looks, how well it functions, it's ability, it's originality, and somewhat the description given.
Contact us at

By Dread_Socks
Mark, I've made four; use your tag to find them.
By grindstone
Made four entries. Will upload.
By Xahlicem
Welcome to the "Creature Parts Contest".
By Xahlicem
The rules are. 1: it has to be a creature part, no outfit parts. 2: It has to be a new part. 3: Put description about it. 4: keep the xahlicempartcontest tag, you can add more, just keep that one. 5: Any builder allowed(not outfitter).
By Xahlicem
6: No stealing other peoples creations. 7: Maximum of 999 entries, no more! 8: Enjoy! The winners will receive a trophy, judging will be based mostly on it's looks, how well it functions, it's ability, it's originality, and somewhat the description given.