Tyrannosaurus rex


By KaDargo95
03/29/2011 - 00:29:58

Type: Creature
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: archosaur, cretaceous, dinosaur, feather, king, queen, theropod, tyrannosaur, tyrannosaurus


Tyrannosaurus scavenged and hunted. Though it was the most powerful theropod, fossils show that they were killed by the Ankylosaurs and Ceratopsids that it hunted, life is risky, even for the king. Most Scientist now agree Rex was fuzzy.


DNA points
58 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
19 %
60.74 %
9 / 20
7 / 20
5 / 15
2 / 54 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 55 / 5
3 / 53 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

By 94titano

Actually, I doubt anything would hunt ankylosaurs unless they were truely desperate. They where living tanks for cryin out loud!

By KaDargo95

Remeber folks, Tyrannosaurus was just a giant ground bird, with really big teeth. Yes it was feathery, as I said most scientist agree. Besides dinosaurs look cooler, faster, smarter, and more dangerous in feathers.

By trexkid

wow, thats quite amazingly done but im still not sure about the adults having feathers only the babies R anyway.

By LightningTheif21

Maybe Rex was. In only specific areas though; unlike Velociraptor. Pretty nice Rex, a few changes could be considered, but I like it. R+.

By hcohatlan

Not to forget they moved and live in packs.Great job.rated up

By Prehistoric23

T-rex was fuzzy? I always picture it looking a bit more reptilian. Where do you get your information because I feel a little behind in Paleontology.

By hcohatlan

In a way it kinda looks like mine.

By XReptile39

Once again, great T-rex! If I need to use T-rex in an adventure, I'll use this one!

By XReptile39

This T-rex has the best skull of all the T-rexes I have ever seen. Great job! R


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