Rolling cheese

By basdupont
03/21/2011 - 16:03:43

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: "cheese2011", belege beusen!, gaprop, indiana jones


This mouse have a littel problem. he is on a rolling cheese, if he stop walking he fall dead and if he yump he ged crusht.
(can be used as a kind of indiana jones trap.)


By Ansje

Leuke opmerking over volle kaas, deze zit trouwens ook in de GA. Wel balen, dat je DVD het niet meer doet, misschien kan de helpdesk van EA je verder helpen.

By Driekbok

Haha, cool! :D Leuk gedaan R+

By Beaker73

Fantastic! Love your construction of this.

By cormorana

he hate the word "marry", that's why he never married with Jessie or Jessibelle

By cormorana

cool r+!

By Ansje

ha, ha,ha: reuze leuk! :D Dankjewel, toegevoegd aan de SC en R+ voor je!


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