Mamoth tank
Not rated
By Nick123q23
03/11/2011 - 22:25:55
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ouminati
Also Refered to as MTs, The Mamoth tank is unmatched but is slower then Any Creashon of tanks( Also being sold and used by the Ouminati) Also Some of its Qutes Trnaslated``Roll over them`` Unmatched`` And So on
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By MjrGlory
sure, feel free to use it.
By Nick123q23
Yup i based it off the Tiberium Wars GDI mamoth tank, so dont sue me EA Heh By the way if you Encouter this and you dont have Aircraft yet And you dont have a good defence, Your doomed Good luck out there