By masejobe
03/11/2011 - 05:10:10
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: crash, forest, hunted, itaru, lush, masejobe, nethros, planet, series, t3, threat, zealots
The Captain clambered out of the cramped shuttle painfully and disoriented. When you've been attacked, rescued, and crash-landed from a meteor shower all at once, you'd think he'd be dead by now. Fortunately for him, he had luck on his side, and made out it with only few scratches. Yet a vague threat opposes him, and a deceiver waits and observes by the sidelines... But this Captain still has a role to play in his story for now, and this is where it truly begins. [After many hours of making and ironing out bugs, I've finally finished part 2! Please play part 1 first and make sure you've got at least a Lvl 2 blaster and decent melee. Enjoy!]

By DraMonster56
This adventure was awesome! The forest and village were made perfectly. And the title at the end of the adventure is pretty cool
By Peanutmonk
Really enjoying this Series. Well thought out and challenging
By sim2262
You should join Adventure Con to win. Just look for ad's from laser114. Good luck
By ornburg
Wow, that was really sick!! One of the best jungle missions I have played in a loooooooooong time!