Aliens 2
Not rated
03/08/2011 - 23:45:48
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: jake the octo
After Jake was captured and put on a distant planet, he found out that The Grox made a weapon that would turn Octos into weaklings! That is a plane of pure evil...
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By DoDoBug
can u continue the octo series plez this is my favorite series!
By befuzzled
YES!!! GOLD TROPHY!! (i know the only other thing I could get is a silver. still.....)
By GammaGames
it is a cheat. open up the cheat window (CTRL+ALT+C) and put in an adventurelook/adventurestyle cheat. I cant remember, google it for all of them! some of them are really cool!