Chronos Dwelling
Not rated

By Mushroomking1
01/30/2011 - 08:03:09

Type: House building
Rating: 0.25 (Not rated)
Tags: chronos, classic, clock, clocks, dwelling, era, glass, house, iron, mk1, mkbuildings, mushroomking1, old, set:chronos, steampunk, style, time, victorian


The more common Chronii live in splendid townhomes built in the typical iron-and-stone style, though these tend to have only a single clock per dwelling. Naturally, it must therefore be big. Very big.

-Perhaps the last build of the set. Who likes :D


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By branchandleaf

Majestic building! I'm charmed by its weight, at the first look on the editor!

By Icarus8484

Wow, there's always so much detail in your architecture. How long does it usually take you to make just one? Such as this one? Or on average?

By Homer-dude2

That's a house...O__O...holy crap what does a mansion look like then?

By Beaker73

I know its been said by others before, but one thing I really like about your work is your ability to create sets with a consistent look. Yet each piece is not just a slight variation of other pieces.

By TarsTarkas

I had a big computer meltdown in the middle of the contest a didn't get to comment on the entries much, but I really admired this set. Fantastic work, as usual.

By QueenBeth

WOW, where is this place? I want to live in one of these magnificent dwelling!

By Potatofish

Consider yourself buddied.

By Hydro_Glyph

missed this set, very cool theme..

By Potatofish

Oh my word... your buildings are all so fantastic.

By Alpackabomb

Thanks. Also, do you have any tips on buildings? If I do make them they'll be Steampunk type buildings, but I'd still appreciate some tips.

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