Hunted I, Gara'los (V2)
Not rated

By masejobe
12/30/2010 - 18:24:56

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: artifact, excavator, fighting, gara'los, horror, jungle, mystery, ruins, security, story, temple, venaelton


Gara'los. A jungle planet full of mysteries. An Itaru team of excavators tried to unravel these mysteries, and never came back. Help a team of investigators find out what happened to the excavators. [A new series I've started. Lvl 2 pulse highly recommended. Part 2 is out now!]



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By Louisgotmypills

I have encountered a bug. for somereason my character can't move out from the little room made of rock after he goes through the door.

By DraMonster56

Awesome adventure! The ending was great!

By DraMonster56

I did not notice that it was floating. I think when it is placed in an adventure it becomes level with the ground though. And also I got a new suscriber might that be you? Just wondering

By DraMonster56

Thanks for the comment! You look like an awesome creator! I can't wait to get started on playing some of your adventures

By Harlequin2

That was amazing!! It has the best use of the engine and story that I've seen for ages! Keep up the good work!!

By Peanutmonk

This story is off to a great start!

By rickycats

loved the ending. great cliff hanger!

By meinator

I've got an adventure that's partially inspired by this. Could you have a go at it? I still can't get over how good this is >:D

By meinator

Absolutely AMAZING! Wasn't to sure what was going on at the start, but it just got better and better! Great work, keep it up!!!

By Macciavelo

Great job on creating the looks of the ruins and the story also is a bit gripping. I'll be waiting for part 2!

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