By Dalmatious
12/27/2010 - 23:56:59
Type: House building
Rating: 8.44 (Good)
Tags: dalmatious, england, stonehenge, timetraveler2011
Time reaper monument made for the time traveler contest.?Stonehenge was built between 3100 ? 1100 BCE.?Myths and legends of Stonehenge shed light on the nature of the activities and ceremonies performed at the festivals. For example, the legendary Merlin tells King Aurelius:Laugh not so lightly, King, for not lightly are these words spoken. For in these stones is a mystery, and a healing virtue against many ailments. Giants of old did carry them from the furthest ends of Africa and did set them up in Ireland what time they did inhabit therein. And unto this end they did it, that they might make them baths therein whensoever they ailed of any malady, for they did wash the stones and pour forth the water into the baths, whereby they that were sick were made whole. Moreover they did mix confections of herbs with the water, whereby they that were wounded had healing, for not a stone is there that lacketh in virtue of leechcraft.
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By Ansje
Congrats: you did winn a descriptive writers award for the description on this creation! You can find it on my profile page :D
By Digi-P
Look realistic.
By Jadynna
Fantastic entry and Superb example for the Time Reaper category !!
By Kreaturnator
Looks awesome! Great entry!
By shortbreadtom
EXCELLENT colours, and thanks for the comment
By Berbert77
so cool entry!!!! excellent idea!!! :-D
By Vivi95
Nice creation!Well done!
By Vivi95
Thank you for the comment! :)
By ShowerDough
Neat choice of texture, very nice.
By Fatalis99
hey im having a weapon contest and the winner will get 15 subs!!! maybe youre interested;) if you are go to:
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