¡Feliz Chupacabras!
Not rated

By MikeJT
12/26/2010 - 04:56:07
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: adventure, christmas, chupacabra, chupacabras, cryptid, cryptids, cryptozoology, el, escapade, feliz, festive, fun, holiday, legend, legendary, mikejt, myth, mythology, navidad, snow, story, urban, winter
As snow blankets the fields, the humans engage in joyous celebration. Why should Earthlings have all the fun? The Elder has invented his own holiday, ¡Feliz Chupacabras! Join Chupacabra and his pals, as you partake in cryptid festivities! [By MikeJT] Plz comment after you play! :D

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By blixafish
Looks awesome! I'll play sooner than possible... oh wait...
By Shadow99
So, when will the next Chupacabra GA b released and what will it b about?
By Shadow99
YES! Christmas Themed Adventure New Chupacabra Installment=Happy Shadow99! Lol
By boblycool0
Looks fun :D