Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

By DracoAmericanus
12/23/2010 - 20:18:47
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 10 (Good)
Tags: brown, charlie, christmas, funny, merry, special, tree, wimpy
"I killed it!"
(#35 on MPN! :) )
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By spike546
Sometimes, when I look at a line, I laugh. Then, I look at it again, and I laugh. The "I killed it!" line is one of those. XDXD Nice tree!
By gp_godzilla
Contest started
By Hybrid-X13
Haha!! Great job on this!! LOL at the description!! :D
By exxon
Hurray! This is cleaver. R+
By dolphingirl246
Lol! =D I love this!!
By Jughead776
Hahaha this is HILARIOUS! I love Peanuts