Thorn's Story Billboard
Not rated
By Theopto197
12/17/2010 - 22:24:05
Type: Factory building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ads, adsforyou, advertise, billboard, picture, sign, template
Yeah, I know my last Thorn series didn't work out, but I think this one is really going better, so yeah, Thorn's story is about one Thornian, Life, and Spode himself, trying desperatly to destroy an ancient evil known as Fear.
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By SooperWalrus
Don't accept ice cream from strangers. Peace oot.
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NO. Of course you can share something, I don't mind.
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'em, although you'd have to make multiple units of each, or just one (Who would be a merc or race representative). You can also make a vehicle or building. I'll probably include it regardless.
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Gracias. I'm simply trying to get as many people in on it as I can. The AWD is a coalition of empires to create a shared military. They also have mercs under their control. You could create a whole new race to be with...
By sbalding
...other adventures that want to be advertised. And that's where you come in. I want you to help the cycle by advertising other adventures in you're adventures taged: adsforyou. Do you think you can do that?
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Well, you see advertising in Spore only works when everyone is participates in it by advertising other adventures in their adventures. Thus, helps the advertising cycle flow. But if everyone would to stop the cycle, then no one would be able to notice....
By sbalding
Okay, but in order for me to help you, you have to help me.
By sbalding
So, you made a billboard and never told old sbalding to help advertise it for you.