Not rated

By kiwi224
12/08/2010 - 03:26:05

Type: Tribal creature
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: claws, humanoid, kiwi224, made by kiwi224, made from scratch, shapeshift, stolenfromkiwi224, werewolf, wolf, worgen, world of warcraft, wow


Hi, everyone! I finally had some time to create, and so here ya go! Okay, I am halfway done with testing in school right now, and yet my teachers are still giving me a bunch of study guides to work on >.l So I won't be on much, still. Unfortunately, I'm getting WoW (World of Warcraft) soon. Why is it unfortunate, you ask? Well, if I have this game, then it means less time with spore. This is why I made a Worgen from WoW: Cataclysm. (It's the new class they have made, I thought it looked really cool! ^^) Anyways, I want to get some SPORE-related announcements down so: I will work on the next chapter of Warriors, it should be coming out this weekend. Also, I am making gifts for my buddies on Christmas. Please DO NOT ask for a gift. I want to give gifts for people I know... not to some stranger xD I think it would be... a little awkward.
Okay, so letting you guys know that I will not be on SPORE not as often as usual. Oh, and I AM NOT leaving--I am not going to be on much--not much.
[Made by kiwi224. Just takin' a break :D]


DNA points
60 Bones2 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
29 %
19.09 %
5 / 20
5 / 20
2 / 15
2 / 54 / 50 / 5
3 / 51 / 52 / 5
0 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Linda2001

( :

By LeonaTheLion

you play WoW???? so strange to see other people from other games XP

By caitygood1

wait you play WoW?! I have a LvL 71 Death Knight named Gwaellia on Caelestrasz and a lvl 60 lthis creation> druid named Woofdruid on the same realm.

By caitygood1

wait you play WoW?! I have a LvL 71 Death Knight named Gwaellia on Caelestrasz and a lvl 60 lthis creation> druid named Woofdruid on the same realm.

By BlackCat60

Have fun with WOW! i have it to and its a lot of fun. maybe i will see you there

By zypher98

World of Warcraft is an interesting game. So is Warhammer.I don't see why there neeeds to be a better one. they're both loads of fun. Sorry I just needed to say that, I've been trying to get that point across to a lot of people I know and I just needed t

By hiigee

the best i haven see ;D

By mrcheezyz

how did you do those claws???

By wyvern_kalyx

i love worldofwarcrafts!!!!!!!

By hay77

Oh my gosh, my sister gets so mad at her boyfriend when he plays that game because he gets so addictive to it and he can't hand out with her, don't get sucked into that game ok! LOL!And the really funny thing she gave Cataclysm to him for Christmas!LOL!

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