By tomographics
11/27/2010 - 10:19:22
Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: adl, gaprop
Here is a trivia fact for you Maxis! Everyday the rating system stays the same on spore more people are less likely going to buy Dark Spore! This may not some sound true to you Maxis because you know doubt think that Dark Spore is the answer to everything but it is not. I know that there are lots of creator unhappy about the rating system at the moment. So much so it is putting them off Spore. Seeing that they are put off Spore they certainly won't be buying Dark Spore because the imediate thought that will pop into their head will be "downrating" and "cyberbullying". Now even if Dark Spore dosen't have and contact with people on the other side of the world they are still less likely to buy it. At this rate I certainly won't be. So here is my suggestion Maxis. It is rather simply and won't take that long to do. Please remove the option to rate on all Spore accounts except for the default one! The problem Maxis is the fact that people are simply using the accounts to either downrate people they dislike or to rate themselves up. They are certainly not being used to create things. This should not be allowed. Many good creators have left Spore because of this. So Maxis if you want Dark Spore to become as big a sucess as Spore is then get rid of the option of rating on all accounts except for the default one! it would make a really nice Christmas present! Spore is a fantastic game but it is rurined by people that mistreat it. You can do something about it though. Thanks Tomographics. ____________________If you agree with what i have to say here then please feel free to up-load this to your page. I know that other creators have tried something similar to this before (and failed) but i think that this time Maxis has a reason to do it. It will not only benifit themselves but it will also beinfit the users of Spore .

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By puma7372
thumbs up!
By Mushroom222
THATS THE GREATEST IDEA EVER. Im uploading this. (if its ok with you.) By the way, im one of your buddies so plz veiw my creations and comment. thats all i ask.
By Cre8r199
I won't buy Dark Spore, for the same reason.
By TronX19
Okay...that is awesome!
By grandrice
well the idea wont work for me, because this account is not the deafault one, the default one is my brothers.
By toasterstrudel64
I agree. R+, and great creation.
By Gascloog
I AGREE!!! those ppl are krazee
By Gascloog
hes gonna like that
By UnShavenMonkey
DUDE! your like really awsome! u got adventures though? cos ur just brilliant!
By connorisawsome
and i can't get bot parts! ):
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