Saguaro House
Not rated

By BlankVerse
11/25/2010 - 21:25:35

Type: House building
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)
Tags: blankverse, bvx, cactus, home, house, saguaro cactus


An experiment with the connectors to create a home that looks like a saguaro cactus


By SeaHound

Thanks for the comment. Nice Cactus. I bet if it were large enough and would survive the "construction" a cactus would make a nice house. Temperature contol. Great view. A bit pokey, though.


thanks for your comment! good job! R+

By Hybrid-X13

Nice building!! Thx for the comment!! :D

By Kreaturnator

Hope you will keep on creating. I would like to see more of you.

By Sakiara

I immediately thought of a cactus when I saw this. It also looks like a coral too. So great job. Thanks for adding my treehouses to your sporecast too :)

By Kreaturnator

Looks wonderful!


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