Clark and Stanley become RPers
Not rated

By MrWeezee
11/24/2010 - 02:23:47
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
AKA a basic summarization of what will happen to chandlermonaco if he tries to help inferno ever again if Inferno gets unbanned.

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By chaolinchao
Inferno hammer get kill again. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! Great Clark a Stanley adventure
By ThoarnJr
Ya i knda got that you didnt like him that much! i mean i killed him! TEEHEE he's dead!!! Yiipy YAHOOO
By Zackpac61956
lol killing inferno was funny he ran away like a the crybaby he is
By ThoarnJr
OK! Thanks! can you unblock my othe accounts? and i sayed some mean stuff to you so just delete that! and BTW this was halariouse! Ooompa Loompa Doopudy Dayy... im gona beat the S*** out of you all!!! LOL
By ThoarnJr
To make up for the bad comments i will play this! ;)