Hannibal Battleship
Not rated

By Spottsapien
11/16/2010 - 03:14:19

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.43 (Not rated)
Tags: battleship, featured, hannibal, spottsapien


***Thanks Maxis for featuring this! Also, thanks to everyone that uprated this and commented on it!***
Designed by the Legendus Empire to be their fleet flagship. The Legendus, who worship all things human, named the ship after the human conqueror Hannibal, and made a very large heavily armored battleship. The battleship attacks with a fleet and crushes all before it.


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By SonicResonance

I can never get ships like this one right, but you did it so nicely. good thruster supports, I really like how it looks like giant pipes. Using that on something R plus

By buddy55555

Dude...amazing ship!

By Ketchupman10

is it "hannibal" or cannibal?lol:P

By Pictoris15

Now THAT'S a sweet ship. Very well detailed! Aweome job.

By 97galaxia

This is a great ship design. Lots of features and the engines are perfect. R

By 95screenname13

Epic ship! I like the jets in back... Excellent design! R++ Congrats on the feature, this definitely deserved it.

By dlle16

Nice, my favorite part is the side area in front of those 4 pillars. I would love it if you would come check out my ships :) you're a great artist, keep up the good work :)

By Hilight

Good stuff here R+! I'd like to invite you to participate in the design-a-ship challenge. If you're interested, you can read about it over on my page---congrats on the feature :)

By FuzzyWuzzyBunny

Nice job! Rated up and downloaded! Congrats on the feature!


awesome congrats on the feature wish i had one

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