Santa 2010 CONTEST
Not rated

By Ansje
11/13/2010 - 08:54:10

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: santa2010


Join the Santa's toy factory contest!

Full information on the forum, link: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/66179.page

In short: you can create maximum: Santa and his helpers 2 in total (does not need to look like a human) 2 human-like villagers, 3 animals including reindeer, 2 toys, buildings, no entry limit , max. 5 props, max. 2 snowman, max. 4 toy-making machines. Additional: storyline and a video. GA setting: wintertime with snow and ice. All entries must be made after November 1st but you can edit older creations. All entries must be your own ofcourse, you cannot use templates made by others. You can use any editor for your creation, so choouse yourself if you would like to create a living toy or a mechanical one, whatever. Your entries can be cute and friendly or evil and dark. Some kids are naughty and don't like cute dolls to play with LOL. Deadline is December 5th: I need time for judging and finishing the GA before Christmas time :D Entries made after December 5th but until Christmas still will be added to the SC however so players have a big SC tehy can use for a themed play in Core Spore if they like.

About the downraters being active now: just ignore that folks, it makes no difference in judging at all, just enjoy creating!

When entering: please use the tag: santa2010 and "santa2010"


DNA points
43 Bones0 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +0
4 %
58.22 %
7 / 20
5 / 20
0 / 15
3 / 55 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By WideWonder

... or is it going to grow even larger?? Already, you and your daughter have your hands so full!!!

By WideWonder

It's 12:07 a.m. Pacific Time, and you have over three hundred creations in the SporeCast!! 337 to be precise!!! Have you added everything?

By tuinahvuni

Well I think I finally got all my entries in :) Posted them all for you in the forum. Just in the nick of time (think I have only 3 hrs left lol)

By monique68

ik heb er nog 1 naam Home of Santa Claus.??

By Brokenglass86

i made a kid on a sled, considering you dont have many people

By medowmuffin

I have made another entry!! It's called Icy House and it has been tagged and is all ready! :^)

By monique68

ik heb er nog 1 voor je gemaakt naam : Spore kerst elf groetjes monique?????

By Clixe

ik heb een gebouw gemaakt, link staat in het forum. :)

By Jadynna

Have another animal entry besides bear! today!! :D

By Serindrack

The "normal toy" is done, it's a teddybear - i tried to do a doll, but it wasn't looking good :D

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