RWM - The Battle of Lake Poyang
Not rated

By AaronMk
11/08/2010 - 21:09:35
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: 75fire1dragon, aaronmk, andeavor, attack, battle, china, chinese, contest, defend, dnr, ecf, emiticone, emoticone, entry, epic, han, historical, history, lake pyang, largest, medieval, ming, mission, naval, parka, remypas' worthy mission, rwm, vilage
Adventure based around the battle of Lake Poyang. Where the Chinese rebel groups of the Han and Ming met in one of the world's largest Naval Battles. (Please report any problems you come across, please and thank you. And named only changed for a contest.)
Contact us at

By ericfinke
sorry jsch now your not lol
By jschwegman
Congrats on winning first place in Remypas's contest!
By jschwegman
Great work on the authentic creatures and props for this historical adventure! I also really liked the look of the watery battlefield, with wreckage and ships drifting everywhere. The bits of historical background were also a nice touch.
By jschwegman
I've been away from Spore for quite a while, but this mission is on the top of my to-play list.
By jschwegman
I just noticed the very kind blurb you wrote about my adventures on the forum. Wow... Thanks a lot! I'm so glad you had so much fun playing them!
By Ansje
Added it high on my "to do" list to play this.
By Ansje
Seeing all your props, creatures and vehicels you must have spent a lot of time to create this adventure.