Dark Deco Apartment Block
Not rated

By Andeavor
11/08/2010 - 11:38:51
Type: House building
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: art, deco, dystopian, gaprop, set:darkdeco
GA version
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By Andeavor
11/08/2010 - 11:38:51
Type: House building
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: art, deco, dystopian, gaprop, set:darkdeco
GA version
By stevendude21
Can you say Bioshock?
By Colian
Very cool...from the picture in the sporepedia...it looked crooked...but it still is cool...
By Andeavor
@CaptainLuke: I have no idea. I'm being mass-downrated today for no apparent reason.
By CaptianLuke
why is this rated down?