SoSGD; LoC Part1
Not rated

By DracoAmericanus
11/07/2010 - 20:09:53

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: cobalt, darren, dragon, hunters, kato, lupa, porthos, remus, romulus, sallinegemdragon, tribe, wolves


(Stories of SallineGemDragon:Legend of Cobalt)Coabalt has lived all her life with the wolf tribe. Today is the day that she ends her training and becomes a hunter. But one of the Cheif's sons has predicted something bad will happen.



By DracoAmericanus

@AaronMK: Whoops! Sorry. I hit approve all before I read it. :/ But thanks for telling me! :)

By AaronMk

[Delete, concerning your tagline] I have a Compaq I've been using for about five years now. I had to upgrade the graphics card a year or two ago, but it still works wonderfully for a game. I've yet to hit any major problems with it.

By dolphingirl246

Wow. Brilliant!!!

By dolphingirl246

Ah, cool. I HAVE to try this! And by the way, I think its a glitch in the adventure. Cos I built it, but it won't let me play it either?!

By DracoAmericanus

Couldn't put this in the description, but this adventure takes place in a world that's in a book I'm writing called SallineGemDragon(that's what the world is called, not the book).


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