LCAR 3rd place
Not rated

By DH106
11/04/2010 - 19:06:52

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: dh106, dh106lcar, dragongo70, thailya, trophy, tuefelhundeniv.


This trophy is awarded to the following notable racers in equal measure: Venton 3000 by Dragongo70; Darkstars Ultra-fright by Thailya and Bubbas Big Idea by TuefelHundenIV. Congratulations!


By DH106

I am aware the grading might seem a bit illogical. But You will find that many otherwise excellent and highly graded creatures were dragged down by single items. In most cases this was the description - this was graded equally to every other field.

By dude696

excluding Thailya's entry the other two really didn't deserve this trophy

By Thaiylia

Thanks alot for the great contest!


my toxic didnt even get third? :(


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