Venton 5000

By dragongo70
10/31/2010 - 03:50:02
Type: Economic air vehicle
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: dh106lcar
the second racing craft in the Venton series, this craft doesn't explode on takeoff, it blows up on landing, if it makes it that far. This plane is highly maneuverable and fast, reaching speeds of 550 miles per hour. The pilot needs to hang on to the control stick for dear life. The only chance of the pilot surviving being ejected from the cockpit is if he launched off to his left. If he launches that way, he avoids the propeller and the tail fins. He has a small chance of surviving if he is close to the ground.
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By DH106
DH106s evaluation results: Creativity 9; construction quality 7; aesthetics 9; description 10; inherent dangerousness 10; bonus for pose 1. Total 46/50.
By ShowerDough
Hahahaha! The green tiger stripes must be what give it its speed. Awesome job!
By DH106
This one is about as unsafe as it gets. I also note the flimsy tail booms that will likely snap off in case of a control input. R+ and added to the contest.