P-13 Skiddy Hawk

By bcrane
10/27/2010 - 16:40:05
Type: Religious air vehicle
Rating: 2.73 (Good)
Tags: dh106lcar
The P-13 Skiddy Hawk is made on a budget, and it shows, with its barely stabalized main body thruster and completly exposed cockpit.... but it's fun to fly.
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By Awesomelydude
It would really suck if you fell forward a little...
By DH106
DH106s evaluation results: Creativity 8; construction quality 8; aesthetics 9; description 6; inherent dangerousness 10. Total 41/50.
By DH106
Added to the Contest! R+.
By 10news
i saw yourspore name on u tube
By Oft99
I like the way you put those boat chasis together to make a nifty new shape.